IBC (Intermediate Bulk Containers) for Petrochemicals industry

Pyramid IBC are designed to store and transport all types of petrochemicals. Chemicals like acids, bases, oil, diesel, alkalis and salts are produced in the petrochemical industries. These can be safely stored transported and dispensed. Our IBC products meet international standards and regulations to meet the requirements for transport and storage within countries.

  • Pyramid has a wide range of containers specially designed to store and transport hazardous and flammable liquid chemicals.
  • The containers have inner lining preventing corrosion and chemical reaction with the container material.
  • Variety of designs of containers and stacking methods available to meet the requirements of storage, transportation and dispensing.
  • Easy access and movement ensures safety and reduced wastage during loading and unloading.
  • Ease of logistics and transportation enabling greater business performance.
  • Product safety through entire supply chain and operations involving movement of raw material and finished products for the manufacturer and customer