IBC (Intermediate Bulk Containers) for Pharmaceuticals industry

Pyramid IBC’s serve many pharmaceutical companies in transport, storage and dispensing of variety of chemicals. All type of chemicals which are highly sensitive to heat, air, water or environmental conditions can be safely transported without getting corroded. The chemicals can be easily stored without any risks and wastage. The supply chain challenges faced by the industry can be mitigated using Pyramid IBC solutions reducing costs of the business.

  • The IBCs are fitted with required accessories such as valves, lids and gaskets to protect and dispense the contents securely.
  • Storage and transportation costs are reduced by using scientific stacking methods
  • The containers have inner lining preventing corrosion and chemical reaction with the container material.
  • Easy access and movement ensures safety and reduced wastage during loading and unloading.
  • Ease of logistics and transportation enabling greater business performance.
  • Product safety through entire supply chain and operations involving movement of raw material and finished products for the manufacturer and customer.